1. "Your parents may want you to do things the way they did them or the way they think you should do them. Follow your own path even if they don't agree (and don't worry, they'll get over it)".
2. "Don't date someone's potential".
3. "The things that don't go according to plan are often the biggest blessings in your life -- sometimes, it just takes time to clearly understand what the blessing is".
(Outros que também são bons:
- Not risking is risky.
- Do things to stand out, but don't just do them to stand out.
- Chemistry is necessary, but not sufficient in romantic relationships. Make a list of your values and top five non-negotiables and DO NOT SETTLE.
- Ditch toxic friendships and put the effort into friends who inspire and support who you are and where you are headed.)
(Acedam ao artigo completo aqui)
ai tété, adoro todos os quotes <3 servem que nem uma luva á face actual da minha vidinha, obrigada babes.