Isto não tem nada a ver com este artigo, mas estava a ler um capítulo sobre psicologia social e disse para comigo, 'A Teresa é capaz de achar piada a isto':
'In our daily lives, too, we view the world through the lens of our preconceptions. Whether we see a moving light in the sky as a flying saucer or see a face in a pie crust depends on our perceptual set. While reading these words, you have been unaware that you are also looking at your nose. Your mind blocks from awareness something that is there, if only you were predisposed to perceive it'.
Isto não tem nada a ver com este artigo, mas estava a ler um capítulo sobre psicologia social e disse para comigo, 'A Teresa é capaz de achar piada a isto':
ResponderExcluir'In our daily lives, too, we view the world through the lens of our preconceptions. Whether we see a moving light in the sky as a flying saucer or see a face in
a pie crust depends on our perceptual set. While reading these words, you have been unaware that you are also looking at your nose. Your mind blocks from awareness something that is there, if only you were predisposed to perceive it'.