"1. Que tem órgãos".
É só porque nunca tinha pensado nisto.
"In japanese industry, finger pointing and calling (FPC), have been traditionally practiced as a tool for preventing human error. FPC is an operational procedure to ensure accurate information acquisition and recognition and/or to perform motor responses accurately. In the typical FPC, an operator first makes visual contact with the target (e.g., meters, lamps, buttons, etc.) to be checked or to be controlled manually, stretches the arm out in the direction of the target, points at the target with the index finger, and calls the name and/or the status of the target aloud. Nowadays, FPC is accepted as an effective procedural tool for preventing human error and is widely used in many industries in Japan."
- by Shinohara, Naito, Matsui e Hikono (2013). The effects of "finger pointing and calling" on cognitive control processes in the task-switching paradigm. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 43, 129-136.